There is no ‘them’; there is only ‘us.’
The world often divides itself between “us” and “them.” This dichotomy blinds us to the reality that all of humanity is interconnected. Human flourishing is dependent upon everyone flourishing. Breaking down walls of division and hate begins when we rediscover that unity is our true nature. We build a better world when we realize there is no “them”; there is only “us.”
Therefore, we believe:
- Every human has dignity and worth.
- We are all connected.
- We belong to each other.
- Ubuntu reminds us that “I am because we are.”
- We are stronger together.
- We are called together to repair our wounded world.
- Love is more powerful than hate.
- Love calls us to free all from evil, injustice, and oppression.
- Love calls us to radical welcome and hospitality to all.
- We create community by building a longer and inclusive table, not higher walls.
- Everyone is welcome at the table.
- Diversity is a strength, not a weakness — including diversity of religion, sexuality, politics, gender, race, age, ability, economic status, marital status, etc.
- Peace begins when we dare to lay down our arms first and seek to build bridges.
- Justice is love in action.
- Hate only moves us backward.
- We all will fall short of these beliefs but only love will draw us back together.
Join with ORJC and Conversations to build solidarity and a community where “there is no ‘them’; there is only ‘us.’”
Sign the declaration, post a sign, wear the gear, but please don’t stop there.
Please take action every day to make “us” a reality. Your community depends on you.